Top Posts on Social

Here are the top posts on “Social” from the old StepForth SEO Blog. Two Great Tips for Optimizing Your LinkedIn Account ‘LinkedIn SEO must haves’ Do it Yourself Social Media Marketing – A StepForth White Paper ‘A how to on promoting...

$28.7 Million to Improve Digg

Funding to the tune of $28.7 Million, led by Highland Capital Partners, will be used over at Digg to incorporate a number of changes, Jay Adelson announced in the official Digg blog Wednesday. Changes will include improvements in infrastructure, new feature...

Digg Signs Three Year Advertising Deal with Microsoft

Today Microsoft earned a win that made me look twice by convincing Digg to sign a 3 year deal where Microsoft Ads will be the “exclusive provider of display and contextual advertising on Digg”. Having previously used Google Adsense to serve ads (according...

StepForth Tutorial: Blogs 101, Part 3

Blogs 101 is a resource to provide our clients and readers with a clear concept of what a blog is, why a blog might be a positive addition to their website or marketing campaign, and how to implement, optimize and promote a blog. In Part 1 of this series I discussed...

eBay + StumbleUpon

The social marketing and search engine world is buzzing over the potential acquisition of StumbleUpon by leading auction company eBay. The news of interest from eBay filtered into the news on April 18th with other potential suitors being AOL and Google but yesterday...