25% Off Coupon for MindJet Mindmanager

Anyone who has seen one of my presentations knows that I am a die-hard MindJet Mindmanager user… in fact, I favour it over PowerPoint by far. Some of my audiences have even requested more information on the product I use. Well, today, something special showed up...

Using a 302 Redirect in Place of a 404 Error is a Bad Idea

If your site is currently treating unavailable pages (404 errors) like temporary redirects (302 redirects) you may not have any problems with the search engines but your site is losing out on some important advantages of a proper 404 error. The Way a 404 Normally...

Image Functionality to XML Sitemaps

Yesterday Google announced in the Webmaster Central blog the added expansion for images within XML Sitemaps. By expanding your XML Sitemap to include images in the new format, this will allow Google to easily learn which images you consider important. With image...

Increasing Web Browser Productivity

Although Chrome is relatively new it has become one of the easiest web browsers to interface with. Kawsar Ali shares some of the top extensions for Google Chrome and for anyone using Chrome these are a worthwhile download. These extensions, “can help you increase your...