by denis | May 23, 2007 | Social
It is always a pleasure to get feedback on my postings, especially from those who are intimately involved with the news I am reporting. In this case Trader Mike (Michael Seneadza), one of the first partners in Wallstrip posted the following comment to my recent...
by denis | May 22, 2007 | Social
This Monday CBS joined the acquisition bandwagon and bought the popular online video site Purchased for a price in the single-digit millions (rumors are around $5 million but this has been disputed) after having been online for less than a year,...
by denis | Apr 30, 2007 | Social
Many website owners know that their target market utilizes social technologies but few know to what extent and what technologies they should target. Forrester Research has helped by providing some insight into the minds of 10,000 online users within the report...
by denis | Apr 13, 2007 | Search
In a recent paid advertising deal to supply ads for Viacom giants including,,, and 30 other web properties. Google has been left in the cold as Yahoo’s Panama platform was chosen. The deal could also expand in the future to include an...
by denis | Feb 16, 2007 | Social
If you are looking for an alternative to YouTube, MSN has officially launched the public beta version of soapbox. For several months now it has been available on an invitation basis, but now the general public can go see what’s been happening. The beta launch was...