by denis | Mar 4, 2008 | Social
When building a new site you want to create a powerful and respected reputation on the web. A company or individual can do this by having a great homepage (lots of great content and a blog), finding the appropriate communities to share their expertise, creating...
by denis | Feb 24, 2008 | Social
It appears that YouTube is having some serious problems because it has been unreachable for over an hour now. I checked with a fellow Twitterer and there is no question this is a widespread outtage. What I find the most odd… Is there isn’t even a error...
by denis | Jan 21, 2008 | Search
According to a recent CNN Money report published Thursday, more than 75% of American web users viewed at least one video online with an overall average time spent of 3.25 hours per person. Google, during November, held on to a 31.3% market share when it comes to video...
by denis | Jul 12, 2007 | Social
Last week Google made its move against eBay owned Skype, an online person-to-person internet telephony company, with the purchase of startup company, GrandCentral Communications. On Monday, Google product manager Wesley Chan posted confirmation of the deal in the...
by denis | Jun 19, 2007 | Search
Today Google announced that YouTube is being launched in 9 new countries in their own native languages. The countries are the UK, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, Ireland, Netherlands, and Brazil. At the moment the roll out will provide each site with localized...