by denis | Nov 12, 2006 | Tips
In a bid that is sure to raise the interests of many e-tailers, Google has announced that it will be providing free merchant services for the holiday season. Say what?! Yes, FREE. For those of you who are not familiar with transacting online suffice it to say that...
by denis | Oct 24, 2006 | Search
It was Christmas yesterday for the SEO community as Incisive Media announced that an arrangement with Danny Sullivan was announced to continue arranging the Search Engine Strategies Conferences through 2007. At this time there is no indication that Danny is going to...
by denis | Oct 10, 2006 | Social
I hope all of you experienced an excellent weekend full of family, and friends, swirled in the aroma of oven-baked turkey! I had a wonderful holiday weekend with my fiancee, my family, and hers; I ate and drank far too much and I am certain I set my workout routine a...
by denis | Sep 27, 2006 | Search
Well you turned 8 years old today you playful little devil. You have been a temperamental child at times and lord knows you don’t follow orders very well but at least you get straight A’s for knowledge. Cheers from the Staff at StepForth Search Engine...
by denis | Sep 25, 2006 | Search
This holiday season Google has announced a search engine update geared towards a bolder integration of Google Base data. At the latest Professional Ebay Sellers Alliance Summit (PESA) Google stated that they would provide a ‘refine your search’ option to...