Is a Shake Out Shaping the Search Marketing Sector? (Part 1)

Mondays follow weekends and a lot can happen over 48-hours. That makes a Monday morning a bit of a mash-up. As I scan article ideas from first to last, my mind keeps wandering to the middle. There must be a common thread uniting ideas found in the four pieces outlined...

Changing Faces of Search Marketing

A year of unprecedented change in the search engine landscape and online business environment has forced many SEOs and SEMs to alter and, in some cases, drastically rethink the services they offer and the techniques they use. For some SEOs, the changes represent a...

Jennifer Laycock, SEO, Editor, L’activist

Lots of entrepreneurs have started businesses online but few have offered a day-by-day, play-by-play narrative outlining their experiences. For the past few weeks, Search Engine Guide editor Jennifer Laycock has treated her readers to an insiders view of her new...

Simplest Explanation of “Web 2.0” Yet

For folks who’ve seen the term Web 2.0 but haven’t yet found a simple and succinct explanation of what it all might mean, Search Engine Journal editor Loren Baker has composed the bestest ‘lil paragraph I’ve seen on the subject. “What is...

Changes Blur the Scenery Along the Digital Divide

The line it is drawn the curse it is cast The slow one now will later be fast As the present now will later be past The order is rapidly fadin’. And the first one now will later be last For the times they are a-changin’. (Bob Dylan, 1963) A period of...