PPC Tips : Google and Image Ads

For some time now Google’s publishing partners and advertisers have been requesting image based advertising through the AdSense and AdWords programs, and Google is listening. Currently still in Beta, Google has introduced image ads into its AdSense / AdWords...

AdSense Nonsense

In today’s feature article, we alluded to a scandal brewing around Google and, like most things Google, this is a big one. Google is having problems surrounding its AdSense program. AdSense is one of the most interesting distribution methods and those problems...

Google & Lycos Make AdSense

In a wise move, Google has outflanked its main competitor Overture by signing a deal with TerraLycos to display AdWords on several of TerraLycos’s US Internet properties such as Tripod, Angelfire, HotWired, Lycos.com, Matchmaker, and Raging Bull. TerraLycos...