A Peak at the Future of Social Media

This post at Search Engine Journal references a social media project at Carnegie Mellon called Socialstream which, among other things, was created to “rethink and reinvent social networking”. Of even more interest is this capstone project is...

How Much is Your Blog Worth?

Well I have no idea how this algorithm based on Technorati’s API is but according to this nifty widget created by Dane Carlson, StepForth’s SEO Blog is currently worth $83,551 buckaroos. Hmm, now if we could just get that kind of money from our blog 🙂 My...

Apple Patent Application for Multi-Touch Mouse

In a story totally unrelated to SEO but just geeky enough that I HAD to post it – Apple’s patent application surfaced today for a mouse that has a built-in multi-touch surface similar to the screen on the Apple iPhone. This peek at an advanced mouse from...

Social Media News of the Day

A new social media website called Thoof has recently come out of beta. Thoof is similar to Digg but features a couple of interesting differences: Titles and Descriptions for content added to Thoof can be updated by users to make them more useful. This is particularly...

FeedBurner is Now Totally FREE

FeedBurner’s previously for-fee services are now free after its relatively recent acquisition by Google. This is great news for the blogging community which is probably why it is getting some serious publicity (#1 story on TechMeme). So what is all this bruhaha...