Ranking Means Nothing if Your Site Isn’t Fast Enough

According to several studies from Kissmetrics and Linkedin the average person will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load on their mobile device. They state that Google recommends website load times of one second or less on mobile devices. What...

Search Engine Optimization for the 21st Century

Preface: only follow this if you are in 1999. After all, I suppose it is possible things could turn out entirely differently by 2014; who knows… InfoSeek could come back and rule once more (after Disney screws it up). The year is 1999. The New Year (and potential...

Free PPC Account Reviews

Stepforth is offering a ‘Free Review’ of your current PPC account to help better optimize your campaigns! If you have an active Pay-Per-Click account with either Google or Bing, or if you are just starting to consider one, StepForth can help guide you in the right...

My Top 10 SEO Definitions

As I am new to the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I have compiled a list of the top ten definitions I have found interesting learning. Algorithm (algo) A mathematical formula used by search engines to determine what pages to suggest for a given search...

Leverage Google Authorship or Kiss Your Rankings Goodbye

This provocative title describes my presentation tomorrow (October 19th, 2013) at Victoria BC’s Blogger Bootcamp where I will be talking up a blue streak about the importance of Google Authorship for bloggers. I know, it is a title that deserves healthy...

Web Site Audits Should be Free

One of the most common questions I get in sales call as my role as an SEO and web site auditor is, “Why should I pay you just so you can tell me what is wrong with my web site and what it will cost to fix it? After all, you don’t pay your mechanic to...