Twitter Pushes Out Tweet Button

It’s taken a little while but Twitter has jumped on the bandwagon and launched an official “tweet” button for your social icon set. Twitter made the announcement yesterday on their official blog. While this is not the first “tweet” button made available, it is the...

How to Become a YouTube Sensation

Becoming a sensation on YouTube is a lot of work but it is a passion for many and the how-to’s are plentiful in that open community. Today, however, I came across a series of videos that are incredibly inspiring and do a great job of showing how truly achievable...

YouTube / Google beats Viacom over $1B Lawsuit

Today in court Google won out over Viacom’s $1 Billion lawsuit, essentially showing that the court has decided that YouTube is protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) against claims of copyright infringement. Viacom had sued YouTube over...

Alternative Sexy Pin-up Campaign Goes Viral

Over the years I have seen many great marketing campaigns that just made me say “wow”. You know the ones, the campaigns that are so off-the-wall, yet also brilliant that you think… “why couldn’t I have thought of that?” Well, I have...

Frustrated with Google Buzz? Google is Listening

On February 14th, Danny Sullivan posted a frustrated Buzz about Google Buzz that lured me into making a few comments. Well, low and behold, but a man by the name of Josh Wills who is involved behind the scenes in Google Buzz jumped into the fray and listened. Yes,...