Complexity Compels Changes for SEO Firms

The process of search engine optimization and placement has undergone a number of fundamental changes over the past year. Once a highly technical, hands-on operation, SEO is now more about analyzing information, strategic planning and long-term consultation. The...

In-House SEO :: To Promote and Protect

An interesting thread for in-house SEOs appeared at the IHelpYou Forums this morning. “In-house SEO” is a term refering to an SEO who is employed by a non-search related company as a staff member in charge of website promotions. In the JohnC, an IHY...

Searching for Cost Savings

About a month ago, Scott Gardner from Fortune Interactive wrote a smart piece that got published in Webpronews, “What’s So Special About Search Marketing?” In it, he covers several points that demonstrate why search engine marketing, particularly...

Essential Venues for Small Business in 2006

Search engine marketing has displaced every traditional media with the exception of television in relevancy and importance in the eyes of ad-buyers. With much lower costs and a much greater reach, online advertising makes up the second largest area in which...

Is a Shake Out Shaping the Search Marketing Sector? (Part 1)

Mondays follow weekends and a lot can happen over 48-hours. That makes a Monday morning a bit of a mash-up. As I scan article ideas from first to last, my mind keeps wandering to the middle. There must be a common thread uniting ideas found in the four pieces outlined...