Much A-Google About Spamming

Recently we have received a great deal of mail on the subject of SEO Spam, especially as it relates to Google. It seems lots of folk are complaining about the quality of the SERPs (search engine returns pages) at Google and the fact that many (not all) of the Top10...

Weekly Quick Tip: Don’t Slip into the SpamWorks

For the past six months, Google has been rewarding several websites using techniques that are considered spamming. We constantly see hidden text, keyword stuffing, cloaking and false-link networks used as ranking tools by websites that really shouldn’t be...

PageRank is Sick… Is Google Broken?

For the past six months we have been telling clients that something very strange is happening with Google. From the way they have measured back links to the amount of SPAM that has appeared in the Top10, Google has not performed to its previous standard of excellence...

Say it ain’t so Lycos, Say it ain’t so…

One of the oldest search tools on the web has recently introduced a sleazy marketing campaign targeting other search engine’s clients. Lycos, owned by Madrid based TerraLycos, is using GATOR advertising to display advertisments for their free email system when...