The Sociology Of Social Media

While being hired on at StepForth Web Marketing our CEO, Ross Dunn, was interested in how someone with a background in sociology could benefit his company, specifically in understanding social media and how to market to it. Sociologists look at communities and try to...

Super Bowl Twitter Activity Plotted

While I was whooping and hollering over the final touch down by the Giants on Super Bowl Sunday I got a twitter from Chiropractic, a fellow Twitterer obviously as ecstatic as I was. It was quite cool to connect with someone in another part of the continent excited...

Twitter’s Usefulness Underscored During San Francisco Storm

Since I signed up with Twitter I have experienced a wide array of emotion while experiencing the lives of the people I follow; sad because someone I follow was struggling with depression, frustrated due to repetitive useless tweets, and amazed and excited by the...

Study Shows Social Networkers Love to Shop

Today comScore released the results of an interesting study that clearly identifies social networking environments as great places to advertise for leisure products and apparel. If you have ever wondered whether social marketing was worthwhile then this study should...

Today Facebook Opens the Gates to Search Engines

A Facebook press release announced the following today: “Starting tomorrow (Weds), we are making limited public search listings available to people who are not logged in to Facebook. A public search listing provides, at most, the name and profile picture of any...