by Jim Hedger | Jun 23, 2006 | Tips
A few weeks ago, StepForth’s sales manager, Bill Stroll, took a well deserved holiday. That gave me the opportunity to sit in his chair for a few days, monitoring emails from clients and queries from potential clients. My primary focus was to answer client...
by Jim Hedger | Mar 24, 2006 | Tips
Some sites are built using “cutting edge advanced design techniques” that draw from several sources. Some have poorly structured databases. Some look as if they were slapped together seven years ago and have since existed as an afterthought. The one thing...
by Jim Hedger | Oct 31, 2005 | Tips
Following on the six site design sins from last week, here is the completion of the list of thirteen SEO Website / Search Issues from Y2K. 7) Sites designed entirely in Flash Flash is an incredibly cool design medium that enables animations, sound, video and user...