Blacklisted from Google for Spamming

Proving that even the big can get themselves burned badly, the brand new website of German automaker BMW has been blacklisted from the Google index for spamming. The site used a series of keyword laden doorway pages which, when accessed, redirected visitors to...

Google’s BigDaddy Data Center

Anyone want a quick glance at a small piece of the future? Not only can you see what will soon be there to be seen, if you don’t like what you see there, you can file a complaint. Google is asking for feedback on one of its main testing data centers, BigDaddy....

2005 SEJ Blog Awards – Thanks All

Many thanks to the readers and responders who nominated our blog as one of the top search engine optimization related blogs of 2005. In the end, we did not win however, we feel honoured to have been nominated and are pretty much pleased with the results. The winner of...

Matt Cutts Gives a Google Lesson

Matt Cutts has given librarians and school teachers an early Christmas present. In an article published in Google’s Newsletter for Librarians, Cutts gives a basic explanation of how Google ranks and sorts documents found in its index. Along the way, he offers...