by denis | Apr 21, 2009 | Links
Today is the launch of our new website. Unfortunately the majority of our blog content still resides on while we deal with transition issues so here are the top posts on Links from the old SEO blog. Link Building Tips with Loren Baker – from...
by denis | Apr 9, 2009 | Links
This week’s SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM featured Search Engine Journal owner Loren Baker as our guest to discuss the ins-and-outs of Link Building. Above is a recording of the show courtesy of WebmasterRadio.FM and these are just a few tease takeaways from this...
by denis | Oct 29, 2007 | Links
Loren Baker over at announced that Matt Cutts had confirmed the PageRank update that happened last week was ‘primarily’ a response to link selling. No additional information was provided except that Google would be continuing to...
by Jim Hedger | Dec 14, 2004 | Search
This is the last edition of the StepForth Weekly News for 2004, making this the perfect time to write a retrospective before moving into the new year. The past year will be remembered as the most interesting year in the history of search, that is until this time next...