Google Interview on Charlie Rose

Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google was interviewed by Charlie Rose this week. In the interview Charlie Rose got Marissa to discuss the expected advancements Google will have within 10 years (this transcript snippet from...

Matt Cutts Explains Canonical Tags on Video

A big thanks to the wonderful Abby Prince from WebProNews for interviewing Matt Cutts explaining what the new Canonical tag is for and why it was created. Here is a link to the Matt Cutts video shown above. by Ross Dunn, CEO, StepForth Web Marketing...

SEO Answers: How a Search Engine Ranking is Created

At least a few times a month I get asked various questions about why a search engine ranking looks the way it does. For example, someone might ask me how they can influence the description and/or title that Google gave their website in their search engine ranking. But...

Reputation Enhancement is Critical to Internet Success

In the following interview, world renown Internet marketer Ralph Wilson of Web Marketing Today interviews Ross Dunn from StepForth Web Marketing about Reputation Enhancement and how important it is for businesses of every type on the Internet.