Google and Your Private Data

Like most websites Google keeps a log of IP addresses in order to track visitor behavior, and to help serve up more useful ad targeting. Previously they held onto this non-identifying information for 18 months following your visit to their site. Over the past couple...

Protecting Your Google AdWords Account from Fraud

At some point, most people have had some sort of encounter with internet scams, viruses, spyware or other security problems. Hackers and scam artists are a pervasive reality in today’s world and making assumptions about security is unwise. A pay per click...

Google’s Matt Cutts Answers Objections to Google Chrome

Poor Matt, he is always getting the brunt of the abuse when Google does something that could, even remotely, be monopolistic. Fortunately, Google Chrome, in my opinion is yet another great idea from a great company that is slightly evil but much less than most 😉 Check...

Google Now Has a Free Browser – Get it Now

Google Chrome, Google’s unexpected open source web browser was announced over the Labour Day weekend and launched only a day later – it is now available for download in more than 100 countries. Here are some excerpts from the Google Blog announcement on...

Google Cows Point North

The Los Angeles Times reports German researchers, through the help of Google Earth, have discovered that 2 out of 3 cows point North. Using Google Earth, the researchers studied more than 300 herds of cattle from around the world. Of the 8510 cows they observed, two...