A Little Facebook Comedy

If you have ever used Facebook then this video by the geniuses over at Train of Thought (a comedy sketch group) will surely give you a chuckle:

A Few Excellent Posts of the Day

Today I have been busy polishing off a feature article for tomorrow’s SEO newsletter but in the midst of that I came across a few articles and posts that caught my eye: My Twitter friend and social networker extroardinaire Tamar Weinberg wrote a great article...

Facebook Unleashes Facebook Ads

Tuesday, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerbook announced the launch of Facebook Ads. This new ad platform will allow advertisers to focus their precise target markets. Facebook’s Ads consists of three major parts: “a way for businesses to build pages on...

Today Facebook Opens the Gates to Search Engines

A Facebook press release announced the following today: “Starting tomorrow (Weds), we are making limited public search listings available to people who are not logged in to Facebook. A public search listing provides, at most, the name and profile picture of any...

Facebook IPO Coming Soon

As Paul Kedrosky noted today in his blog it appears undeniable that Facebook is positioning itself for an initial public offering (IPO). When? Who knows but their newly available job position for a “Stock Administration Manager” with “strong...