by denis | Mar 22, 2010 | Links
Last night StepForth hosted the ‘WebMarketing Meetup’ at Accent Inns, Victoria, BC and though the turnout was small, the tips offered by the participants were valuable and noteworthy. One of my duties at StepForth is Link Building and after I shared my ‘nugget’ of...
by denis | Jan 15, 2007 | Tips
QUESTION: How do I edit my website description on Google? Please direct me to the correct place. – Barb C. ANSWER: There are three ways your website description might have been created by Google and fortunately each method has a solution which I have outlined below:...
by Jim Hedger | May 25, 2005 | Search
The Open Directory Project is the largest human edited directory of web sites and documents existing online at this time. While many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN maintain larger databases of electronically spidered sites, the volunteer editors at...
by Jim Hedger | Nov 10, 2004 | Tips
Commercial websites are getting larger. Driven by the rapid evolution of content management systems, shopping carts and e-biz facilitation, and by the increasing sophistication of Internet retailers, “small” business sites averaging 500+ pages have become...
by denis | Jun 25, 2004 | Links
There was a time when link building meant finding only high PageRank links that used no forms of tracking, but now, free high PR links are extremely difficult to find, and more and more webmasters are using various tracking techniques. When many people go out looking...