Block Your Competitors from Using IIS SEO Toolkit

I was just reading more about the IIS SEO Toolkit when I came across the following interesting tutorial on how to block competitors from running the IIS SEO Toolkit on your servers. If you have an asp-based website then this is a mandatory update in my opinion unless...

Bing IIS Plugin On the Way – Updated

In my discussion with Rajesh Srivastava today on day 1 of SMX Advanced he mentioned there will be a plugin released (no mention of how soon) for IIS  that will interface directly with Bing’s Webmaster Center. The plugin will allow IIS webmasters to submit...

Finally Bing Will Be The Sole Brand – Updated

I am at SMX Advanced in Seattle this week and I was fortunate to have a one-on-one lunch with Rajesh Srivastava, the Group Program Manager for Portal Search Experience. After complimenting him and his team for finally pulling off what looks like a search engine that...

Bing Bing Bing! The Search Foe is Online

Bing is online a full 3 days before the scheduled launch date; a surprise leap of faith very uncharacteristic of Microsoft. That said, the search engine is “in Preview” mode at and continues towards its inevitable demise on June 3rd...

Bing is Microsoft’s Latest Name for Search

Bing, as announced today, is Microsoft’s latest variation of its search platform. The search engine is supposed to marry a myriad of search verticals to create a one-stop-shop for netizens. For example, according to this official introductory video the search...