Optimizing AJAX for Rankings

In New York recently I was upset to have missed a seminar on optimizing AJAX websites for rankings. Fortunately Liz Camps of the Big Green Blog took some fantastic notes and summarized the seminar. I highly recommend the read for those who anticipate they will be...

An End to Google Search API

Earlier in December Google cut off access to its SOAP API for new customers. This move has concerned many developers and webmasters. The Google Search API was still in beta and designed to allow developers to create programs to perform a Google search using SOAP....

Google’s Other Search Engine Exposed

Google has another, somewhat secretive search engine called SearchMash.com. Kudos to Nathan Weinberg for releasing this valuable piece of information! Search Mash appears to be a testbed of sorts for AJAX search technology (the same technology that Microsoft’s...

Yahoo!’s Home Improvement

Yahoo! has given itself a cosmetic but functional facelift that blends most (if not all) of Yahoo!’s subscriber based products and features with a sleeker, easier to use layout. Yahoo! remains an information dense portal but good use DHTML and Ajax in designing...

Simplest Explanation of “Web 2.0” Yet

For folks who’ve seen the term Web 2.0 but haven’t yet found a simple and succinct explanation of what it all might mean, Search Engine Journal editor Loren Baker has composed the bestest ‘lil paragraph I’ve seen on the subject. “What is...