User Behaviour and Google Site Profiles

StepForth’s methods of providing search engine optimization services for Google rankings have evolved significantly over the past year. Since the release of Google’s March 30, 2005 patent application, “Information retrieval based on historical...

SEO Tip :: MSN Search by IP Number

Have you ever wanted to know what other sites share an IP number with your client? A search conducted using this format at MSN: ip: ###.###.###.###, will reveal all the sites in the MSN index hosted at that IP. ISPs have a limited number of IP numbers and recycle them...

Website Usability Leads to Conversions

Known as the web’s Usability Czar, Jakob Nielsen is one of the Internet’s most respected consultants, authors and commentators. Dr. Nielsen’s fame stems from his uncanny ability to note basic things most observers miss or gloss over. Although many of...

SEO Sales and Services – Consulting Cuts Complexity

Over the past two years, both the business and practice of search engine marketing have become much more complex. The same is true of the websites search engine marketers work with. The evolving design techniques and technologies that have made the website of today...

Search Engine Relevancy Challenge

Is MSN better than Google? How does Ask Jeeves stack up against Yahoo? Which of the Big4 search firms produces the most relevant results? Those questions are difficult to answer as what is relevant to one searcher might not be particularly relevant to another. Search...

Optilink Update

A couple of weeks ago, Leslie Rohde from WindRose Software was minding his own business when a user of their signature tool, Optilink, emailed him to ask about the 404-page generated when querying Google. Optilink is used to trace incoming links to the myriad of sites...