A Bigdaddy Timeline, Courtesy of Google’s Matt Cutts

Sometime around January or February, a number of webmasters began to notice that Google had somehow “lost” huge portions of their websites. Reference to their sites, generally to the index pages and a seemingly random selection of internal pages existed in...

Yahoo!’s Home Improvement

Yahoo! has given itself a cosmetic but functional facelift that blends most (if not all) of Yahoo!’s subscriber based products and features with a sleeker, easier to use layout. Yahoo! remains an information dense portal but good use DHTML and Ajax in designing...

Semel Shutters Windows Deal while Ballmer Waxes on the Future

Yahoo is not going to sell its self in part or whole to Microsoft. Over the past two weeks, there have been rumblings of a potential merger or outright acquisition involving the two tech giants. In an interview with the Financial Times, “Yahoo rebuffs Microsoft...

Yahoo Search Marketing Handbook

Mona Elesseily has nearly five years experience crafting Yahoo Search Marketing (YSM) campaigns for her clients but over the last 16-months, she has been absolutely immersed. As the Yahoo! (Overture) PPC expert working at Canadian paid search advertising firm Page...

Certify Me – Two Emerging SEO Certification Programs

Two emerging initiatives aim to create and present certification designations for search engine optimization specialists. Oddly enough, both are from Southern Ontario, Canada both are being initiated by long term players in the online marketing world, and neither has...