The show started with a big update on Google Helpful Content, which could change SEO as much as Panda did. The hosts then discussed the August product review update, changes in People Also Asked results, Google’s simplified page indexing report, duplicating content in business profile posts, and much more!
Noteworthy links from this episode:
- New Google Helpful Content Update To Change SEO Much Like Panda Did
- Google August Product Review Update
- Google Rich Results: People Also Ask Rises While FAQs Drops
- Google Deprecates International Targeting Report In Search Console
- Google Search Console reported pages as being indexed when they were not indexed
- Google Search Console’s video indexing report now live for all
- Google Business Profiles Update on Spam
- Business Profile posts content policy
- Google Lens Reporting, Not coming to GSC – Yet.
Transcription of Episode 437
Ross: Hello, and welcome to SEO 101 on WMR. FM episode number 437. This is Ross Dunn, CEO of StepForth Web Marketing and my co-host is my company’s senior SEO, Scott Van Achte.
Well all, thanks so much for tuning in. I’m sorry, we had a little break there. Scott did a little traveling, and I’m about to go again, but we didn’t want to miss another show.
Scott: We don’t wanna get too far behind. This is our first one in August and the last.
Ross: First and last. It’s sometimes tempting for us to take a little more time off, but there’s a lot happening. And if you’ve been watching any of the net waves, I guess you’d call it, wouldn’t they be radio waves. Anyway, there’s a lot going on about SEO and it’s definitely high time for us to give you an update.
Thank you, Scott, for putting together some great notes today. I guess, quick side thing, how was your holiday?
Scott: It was great. There’s one very small thing I want to mention that’s not really relevant, but a little bit relevant. We were sitting out looking at the stars, Lindsey and I, my wife, and we saw this string of lights shoot across the sky. And we were like, “What’s that?” It’s in the distance, right? We kind of thought it was Northern Lights because we’re supposed to be able to see them that night, which we didn’t, go figure, but we’re like, “Is that the northern lights?” Then it got closer and closer. We were like “Wait a minute, what is this?” It’s like a whole bunch of lights, maybe like 20 lights, and it looked like a Christmas string above the clouds. It was crazy. And then we were like, “what the *blank* is that?” I think we said it like 100 times. It’s going faster and faster. I was like, “Why don’t I have my phone” and she freaked out, ran inside, grabbed her phone and went to the front yard because that’s sort of a directional light, and we never saw them again. We’re literally worried that they were aliens, like legit. The first time in my life. I legit thought I saw alien spacecraft.
Ross: Is this Thursday night?
Scott: This was oh, I don’t remember. It’s a few nights ago anyway.
Ross: Thursday night, my friends were coming to the cottage where we were staying, their cottage. We were waiting for them and they saw what you’re talking about. Actually, they believe it was space garbage or something coming through?
Scott: I did actually look it up. I did find out exactly what it is. So the first thing I did was do a Google search of, I think I actually said “W.T.F. are these lights in the sky?” and Lindsey actually referred to them as a space worm. She described it as a space worm, and the kids are going crazy, like “It’s not a worm!” Anyway, I found a ton of posts of people asking the same question. It’s all over the place. What it is was Elon Musk and Starlink, and when they launched the satellites, I guess they launched them together. Then over time, they spread out all across the sky. Then it was less scary when I knew that it wasn’t aliens coming to destroy us all.
Ross: Of course, you went ‘glass half empty.’
Scott: Of course we did. Well, we didn’t know what it was. We had to explain it, right? I don’t know.
Ross: Well, could be aliens.
Scott: Yeah, if you Google search Starlink satellites, or YouTube or whatever, there are tons of videos of them shooting across the sky. I don’t know how I had never come across that. I see everything online, I feel like, and I’ve never seen that before or knew that they were launched that way.
Ross: I was envious. I wish I’d seen it.
Scott: It will come by, apparently they came by a couple of days after that as well. I think my sister said she saw them.
Ross: Oh, he’s launching thousands, isn’t he? I don’t know, anyway,
Scott: I actually found a map, a real-time map of where they are. It’s a 3D map. I’ll send you the link. Maybe I’ll put it in the show notes if people care. There are about 2500 of them in the sky currently. Wow, that is crazy. And watching it on the map is actually kind of fascinating. It’s quite interesting.
Ross: Well, that was more of a side than I thought, but that was cool. Thanks
Scott: Yeah, sorry I rambled there. So everyone listening, this is the Elon Musk Starlink show on SEO 101.
New Google Helpful Content Update To Change SEO Much Like Panda Did
Ross: That’s so cool. So let’s start with some, well pretty much the news of the day, news of the week, news of the month, could be the news of the year depending on how it rolls out. Google’s new (and I love how they call it this) helpful content update is rolling out. Is it next week? I believe it’s next week.
Scott: It was supposed to be this week, the week of the 22nd. I haven’t seen signs of it yet. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t started.
Ross: I’ve heard there are some signs somewhere, I just didn’t know that was pre-rollout or what. But anyway, there is a significant assumption. Because it’s all assumptions at this point, that it’s going to be as significant as the big Panda update that changed the way we do SEO. Now, with that said, it’s about creating content that’s helpful for people, and if you don’t have any helpful web content, it’s not gonna serve you well. Either it’ll be ignored, because it’s a site-wide signal, if you have too much of it, it will actually diminish your site-wide rankings, which is a big concern. A big, big, big concern, and back when Panda came out, it was devastating to some people. It was around the time, I think, just after or before Florida. Florida, when it came out, it ruined lives. Apparently, it was a billion-dollar loss. So much money was lost.
Scott: And that was right before Christmas, if I remember right, which is extra bad.
Ross: It was horrible! I can imagine there are people out there today that still hate Google for what they did then, because that was unmitigated horror. Anyway, in my opinion, it is not going to be nearly that impactful, simply because Google’s gotten a little smarter about how they roll things out. They do think softly now, I think because of that damage, I think they probably should know by now, just how much power they have, and how they can ruin lives by how this launches out. So what are some of the details? Scott?
Scott: All right. Well, as you mentioned, it is a site-wide algorithm. So that’s important to know. A lot of these algorithms and updates, if you have a bad page, you deal with that page, and you’re good. But this, you have a few bad pages, it could affect everything. One thing to note is subdomains should be considered separately. So if you have a number of subdomains, one might get burned. Well, hopefully not. But you know, it won’t affect your subdomains and expand to that. Probably.
Ross: It depends.
Scott: It depends, Danny Sullivan said “We tend to see subdomains apart from root domains, but it also can depend on many factors”. So there you go, might help or might hurt subdomains, might not. If you’re hit by this update, obviously, you’re gonna want to look at the quality of your content, we don’t know to what extent that means yet. We’ll learn that in the coming weeks, I’m sure. And it does sound like this is an update that will refresh regularly, but there may be a timeout or validation period. So if you do get hit, it could still take a few months to recover from it. So we’ll see how that plays out as well, but not like some updates where you know, you make your fix and you could see results within well, even minutes, in some cases. But you won’t have to wait for a full new update, like say, the product review update or some other major core update or something.
Ross: I worry about how well they built this. I mean, I was thinking about our own site. We don’t publish a lot of articles anymore, but we publish show notes and we publish some of the links from within that, will they consider that helpful? I think it is.
Scott: It’s kind of subjected to interpretation, just because we think it’s helpful, will Google think it’s helpful? Maybe it rightfully is, but does the AI see it that way?
Ross: What Google thinks is helpful, I’m trying not to swear, whatever. They’re going to be honing this, it’s going to be full of B.S. the first round, almost always. They’re going to have so many holes. Hopefully, there’ll be enough people yelling at them that they’ll go “Yeah, all right, that’s fine” and they’ll start to hone the algorithm and make things better. They said that if you are concerned about things, either wholesale remove unhelpful content. Like hell, I would not do that. Unless you’re absolutely sure you’ve got garbage on your site, don’t go and remove it all. I mean, that’s acting too swiftly and playing to Google’s game, and I do not recommend that. If you’re losing your shirt. Maybe, you know, that’s an extreme example, maybe then, and you have some certainty that they’re garbage, well sure, remove it. Maybe just disable it. Then you can start to slowly bring it back if you think it had some value and Google just didn’t understand it. These ones scare me, and they infuriate me but we’ll see. Anything that is based on Google’s guesses through AI, gives me the willies.
Scott: You just never know how it’s gonna play out…I don’t know what we’ll find out. We’re gonna find out pretty soon too.
Ross: We will. And right on time for my holiday. Thank you, Google.
Scott: Perfect! Oh man, it’s just gonna be a nightmare on Monday .Everyone’s gonna be calling you “Ross! Ross, help!”. Why they’d call you and not me, I don’t know. But they’re gonna call you because I’m gonna say “Talk to Ross. I can’t help you.”
Ross: I will make sure it’s forwarded to you.
Scott: Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I’ll put my Vacation Responder on even when I’m home.
Ross: Alright, well, what’s next here on the news?
Google August Product Review Update
Scott: Yeah. So as soon as this update is over, there’s going to be the August product reviews update, which I find incredibly odd because the July one just wrapped up at the beginning of August. The periodic review update will lapse across twice, two different updates in the same calendar month. A little update on the fourth one, there’s not a lot to say here, but a little update, that one ran between July 27th and August 2nd, and apparently was very minor. According to all the data providers like Semrush and Rank Ranger and SimilarWeb, some sites did have a major impact. But really, I didn’t see a lot of people freaking out about that. Not a big deal, it seems. The fifth update will just sort of.. who knows it hasn’t started yet. But your product review site, you definitely want to pay attention to that. We’ve talked about it in depth in a number of other shows about what to do for product review stuff. So maybe take a look at one of those, but just make good high-quality unique reviews is sort of the gist of what you need to be doing there.
Ross: Actually do the reviews, don’t regurgitate other people’s reviews, and show images, and show videos and make it undeniable that you did the review yourself. And you’re offering value. I mean, we talked about this for a decade, at least.
Scott: But really, all content should be like that.
Ross: Exactly! This is why we do Authority Building plans for clients. We want to make sure that whatever content they’re going to write, they can sit down and know what to write, first of all, but also know that this content is based on other content that’s done really well, in different verticals or the same, but in different parts of the world. You know, just don’t reinvent the wheel. Make sure that when you’re writing, you’re gonna write something that’s good. And then invest in that writing and do it so well, that these kinds of updates are “pfft whatever, water off a duck”, you know. In most cases, I hope our clients feel that way too about this.
Scott: I mean, not to pat our own backs but I feel like when there’s a big Google update, almost all of our clients always survive unscathed. Not 100% of the time, you know, there’s certain updates that do certain things, but almost entirely, it’s not a big deal.
Ross: Yeah, I mean, if they don’t, it’s usually a client that is very large and has worked with other firms in the past or has a huge history and has decades of content that we haven’t had any active participation in. Not to take all the guilt from us, maybe we should have noticed that or who knows. But the point is, no one’s perfect. Some sites do get knocked a bit around by these.
Google Rich Results: People Also Ask Rises While FAQs Drops
Ross: So Google Rich results. I didn’t actually see this. So let me know what’s up.
Scott: Yeah, so not a big one, but just sort of a bit of a change and what we’re seeing in the SERPs, Rank Ranger actually reported it near the beginning of August. I would have mentioned it in the last show, but we didn’t have a last show so I figured it might be worth mentioning here. There’s been a reduction in the number of FAQs, appearing in search results where People Also Ask results are actually increasing. So just sort of a note there. So this started at the end of July, and they’ve been seeing this change rolling into August. A really quick summary of the differences between People Also Ask in the FAQ rich snippets. So People Also Ask, you’ll see it under the heading, ‘People Also Ask’ and a number of questions, and you can expand it. I’m sure everybody’s familiar with what People Also Ask are. Whereas the FAQ rich snippet, often appears more like site links underneath an individual surplus thing for a website. So those site links of sorts, that link to the individual Q&As found within a site are what we’re seeing fewer of, whereas the People Also Ask is increasing. So if you had those FAQs, which I have a few clients that do, you know, we might see some action from there in terms of less traffic, potentially that sort of thing. But you know, maybe try to get in that People Also As.
I’ve got a couple quick tips here on how to do that. You know, first of all, we just talked a whole bunch about this, create high-quality content. In this case, you want that content related to questions that you want to rank for, be listed in the People Also Ask for. Make sure you mark up that content with schema appropriately, FAQ pages can help sometimes, FAQ page markup. Look for content that is ranking and work to create better answers to those same questions. Kind of a no-brainer, but maybe not. Or you could create content that is highly relevant to those questions and help you appear amongst them, not necessarily stealing a spot but adding to the list. Then this was an interesting one, I don’t know where I saw this. It might have been on Search Engine Roundtable or somewhere else, but it was considered using the same formatting for your version. So if there’s somebody that’s doing really well in that People Also Ask box and they have a video or maybe they’re using tables or bullets or something like that, follow that trend, use that same kind of formatting and those same styles. And you might have a better chance of getting there because really, if Google’s showing a video to an answer to a question, you know, there’s a reason there. Maybe they want a video there and so why not create a video? If it makes sense.
Ross: Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Scott: Yeah, or on the flip side, if it’s only text, maybe add a video, maybe you’ll get a boost there. But yeah, kind of copy the formatting that’s being used.
Ross: This is just another good example of competitor monitoring. A lot of the services like say, Semrush, or something like that, offer the ability to do competitor monitoring. I’m guilty, too. I don’t check it very often. But if you have it set up, check even once a month. “What’s going on? What are they doing? Oh, interesting!” Pass that along to your SEO or pass that along to either internal or external SEO. Just to give them a little more ammunition, a few new ideas, on what to do to make things better. I think sometimes, SEO is like working out, if you’re always doing the same thing, you’re on the treadmill all the time, it gets easy, but your gains are lower. If you mix it up and start doing the stair climber, and then the bike, and then it’s going to be hard, it’s going to be really hard, especially in a workout. But when it comes to SEO, you get to get a little more exposure, right? And you try new things, and it shows up, it shows up in the whole pattern of your site and the quality, and it’ll attract different users, with different ways of learning. You will have better chances of appearing in rankings that perhaps you never even thought of getting. Also, you have a better chance of showing up in universal search results, the standard results we see these days, but with images or videos. It’s just fascinating how much you can do when you think outside the box or just do some different things that you’ve seen competitors do. Very cool, some good tips there.
One of the things I saw recently, I wanted to share with any SEOs out there, I thought this is a good thing, was all about ways of getting through potential depression, which we’re all talking about, potentially economic depression right now, that maybe hitting next year or whatever, how to stay around, make sure that you keep that SEO going with your clients. I was thinking about it myself. Like it’s a good point, it’s something I should start thinking about even with our own clients. I think it’s really a good idea to be proactive right now and say, “Hey, let’s set up a chat and talk about where things are going to be next year. If things do get tougher, what can we be doing to help you reinforce your position, maybe reposition you in certain places, or just position you in different places that we haven’t done before, that might get you some additional business and help you weather the storm.” It shows that you care, which we do. We really want to make sure our clients remember that you’re not just on that treadmill, you’re not just doing the same thing all the time, you’re really assisting them with their marketing. So just a little tip there, for anyone who’s listening, I think it’s going to be helpful. As this is our 25th year, I’ve been doing this a while, and running a business is not easy, especially when these little things come up, little things, you know, like depression.
Scott: Yeah. Hate that
Ross: Yeah, you’ve really got to be on top of it. I’m guilty of not being on top of it in the past. So learn from my mistakes, and jump on it now. Make sure that you really show your value, so you’re invaluable when things do hit the fan.
Alright, let’s take a quick break, when we get back we’re going to talk about some Google search console updates.
Welcome back to SEO 101 on Hosted by myself, Ross Dunn, CEO of Stepforth Web Marketing, and my company’s senior SEO Scott Van Achte.
Google Deprecates International Targeting Report In Search Console
Ross: Google Search Console has more updates. I did read about this one, the International Targeting Report is being removed, or deprecated, as Google says, from the Search Console. I don’t know how much this is going to impact people because they’re still going to allow you to see any issues with hreflang and stuff, at least as far as I understood. So Scott, you probably did more research on this and you look at Google Search Console more than I do. What are your thoughts?
Scott: Yeah, they’re taking it away September 22nd. So if you have a website that focuses on multiple languages and hreflang as part of your environment for your website, this might matter to you because the report is going to be gone. So you won’t be able to see if you’ve got hreflang errors. John Mueller, actually said that “We’re not planning on removing hreflang support from search, but, there are many good hreflang checkers out there per page and across sites”. So my impression is that there will be nothing if you want to find out how your hreflang tags are doing. If they’re correct, you’re going to need another tool to do that with, Search Console is just not gonna support it anymore at all. Although Search will, so hreflang is still super important for your appearance in Search, but Google is just not going to tell you anything about it, which seems totally backward these days. I don’t know why they’re removing it, maybe it’s highly CPU intensive. I can’t imagine that there would be some other technical reason, but I’m not sure. But it’s going away. So if you rely on that report, you’re gonna have to find another tool to do that for you. I’m not sure if Semrush does that or not. I’ve never actually looked because it’s been in Search Console. Screaming Frog might report on some of those as well. I’m gonna have to personally find my own way of checking. Although it’s not a big issue for me. We don’t have a lot of clients where this matters, but there are some.
Ross: I was looking at this, because obviously, I had misread that thinking that there was still the ability to see the errors, but then I was wondering why. Why would they remove something that’s helpful? This always boggles my mind. Well, I think John Mueller, whether he intended to or not, I think he might have answered that question. His reply to someone asking about this was. “To be honest, I struggled a lot with the hreflang report in Search Console, I think it was a good idea and useful, but the focus on index URLs meant that it was more of an “Did I do things right, a year ago?” rather than a live confirmation, crawling the website yourself is much more immediate.” So maybe that was why it wasn’t as effective, and really, it’s better to use these checkers. So that’s interesting. I mean, I don’t think that means they should have removed the report, but there must be some reason for it. It takes some resources from Google, maybe it was too intensive for what it offered.
Scott: So that’s, you know, another feature dead. They like doing that.
Ross: Yeah. They like to mix things up and just when you need them, it’s gone.
Scott: Yeah. This next one, I noticed after I came back from vacation, and I was like, “What did they do? Where’s this report gone?” So in Search Console, they have also simplified their reporting. So before you would go in, you will see categories like errors, warnings, valid, and excluded, and that has now been simplified right down to ‘indexed’ or ‘not indexed,’ which I think I actually like, to tell you the truth. Usually, I don’t like any other changes, but like errors, why did they have to have their own tab and it was kind of annoying, bouncing back and forth sometimes. So it’s kind of nice. So you’ll still see which pages are indexed and not indexed. There’s a new column added in the report below the chart that shows the reason and the source. So is a reason a page is not indexed because of your website or because of a Google system reasoning. So for example, a page might not be indexed, because your robot.text tells Google not to index this page. So that will be your website saying don’t index it. or it might be because Google’s found an alternative canonical that it seems to think is more important, so then it would say it’s a Google system chosen reason. So you know, I think it’s going to be good. It’s not a major change. Once you actually look at it, we can pick it up pretty quick and figure it out. But yeah, it kind of came as a surprise to me, because it totally threw me off. I thought, “Oh, my God, what’s happening? Why is it…?” And then It’s not a big deal.
Ross: But I think it’s actually a good segue into the next part you had here about being indexed when they’re not indexed.
Google Search Console reported pages as being indexed when they were not indexed
Scott: Exactly. I’ll go in there, so August 17th, Google had a bug. We need a bug section. There are bugs so many times. I say that every time that we need a bug section and we never actually do it. On August 17th, Google reported that there was a bug in Google Search Console, that was reporting pages as being indexed when they were not indexed. But you know about them, so why aren’t they indexed? Anyway, the bug has been fixed. But if you’re going through your Google Search Console results, and you see any weird anomalies on or around August 17th, there’s a good chance that it was related to the bug. If on the 18th, suddenly a whole bunch of pages are suddenly de-indexed. I would say don’t panic, it’s not something new, but maybe you should, because they probably should be indexed and you might want to look into it further anyway. But nothing has actually changed, nothing’s different from August 16th. It’s just the bug screwed up all the reports and, you know, discount any anomalies you see on or very close to that day.
Google Search Console’s video indexing report now live for all
Ross: Alright. Well, just because there’s not enough news yet about Google Search Console, there’s actually a new report, the Video Index report is now live for all. We did discuss this in a past show. Essentially, it’s going to show you what pages Google has identified that contain a video on your website, which videos are indexed successfully, and any issues preventing videos from being indexed. These are for videos that are both hosted on your site and also embedded from other sources such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia, you name it. So it is great that they see this and that the report is now rolled out to everyone. I have yet to see any negative or positive reports about it but that’s because I haven’t looked because I’m sure there are.
Scott: There always is, yeah
Ross: Everyone’s fairly vocal in our industry. We don’t have any clients that specifically focus on video. So I haven’t really looked at the report lately. Have you had a chance to take a peek?
Scott: I haven’t seen a lot yet. I did see one client who has a number of videos. It’s not video-focused, but they have a number of videos. And there were some that are not being included because Google is unable to determine which is the primary video of the page. That’s the only error I’ve seen so far. So I can’t comment much on that, because this is new. So I’ll get down to the bottom of that and figure out what it is that determines Google to see that video as the primary video.
Ross: Which ones are primary, that’s interesting.
Scott: I’m guessing it’s going to have to do with maybe a heading leading into the video or some text surrounding it or…
Ross: Puts primary above the video.
Scott: Yeah, is it not red, yellow, and green? or blue? What are the primary colors again? Oh my God, I struggled with that. Maybe I need to go back to elementary school? Who knows? I don’t know exactly what that means yet, but I was on holiday so I’ve got holiday brain still, so I’ve got to recover from that.
Google Business Profiles Update on Spam
Ross: There you go. Now, I feel like we talked about this next one on local SEO in the past show, but maybe not. Time flies. Anyway, Google Business Profiles are being considered, you know, maybe subject to spam issues if you have duplicate photos, post videos, and logos within your content. So essentially, they’re looking for anything that devalues the Google Business Profile, which, if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last while in the local SEO field, it’s that Google seems to put a lot of weight on how much you use and maintain your Google Business Profile (‘lot’ being a rather laden phrase but they seem to reward you for it. If you keep active in there, do posts, all this sort of thing. It’s good. Well, now they’re taking it to the next level and making sure that you’re doing quality stuff. So they want to make sure there’s no misspellings, problems with character use, garbage, gibberish, any automated content, anything distracting. You know, they want to make sure that there’s no malware or viruses or other harmful software being linked to, and any scams, of course. There’s a full policy we’ll link to within the show notes that you can check out, to give you a little more in-depth understanding of what they consider an issue. But again, not something you have to worry about, if you’re doing this all above board and doing a good job of creating content you know people care about. It’s kind of simple, and when you follow those rules, everything’s pretty easy. Just a lot of work to do that. That’s all.
Scott: The rules are often kind of a no-brainer, really, if you think about them, and you look at what they are. If you’re above board, you’re probably not going to do this stuff anyway. It’s good to have them in writing and know that this is what Google cares about or doesn’t care about. …
Ross: The only thing I can think of that might be a problem for you, even those who are trying to do it the best way possible is if you’ve used any kind of outsourced service. Sometimes the service themselves cut corners and maybe use the same images or same logos or repurpose portions of content to make things easier for themselves. So you might want to police that a bit now that you have some awareness of the issues that Google is looking for.
Google Lens Reporting, Not coming to GSC – Yet.
Ross: Alright, time for the Mueller files. Google Lens reporting. Now Google Lens, what is this? This is the ability to take an image of anything using the Google Lens app on your phone, let’s say a pen, or a widget, something you need. and it’ll look for anything that’s similar within its database of images, and that’ll allow you to hopefully find a product. If you want to buy another one, find parts for it, find the part that you’re looking for so you can order it, it’s quite helpful. I’ve used it a few times, and it’s actually worked fairly well. I honestly forget about it always. It’s one of those tools that’s just there. Anyways, it has become more popular and some SEOs are asking if the traffic data from Lens will appear in Google Search Console. According to John, “Nothing is currently in Search Console to cover that”, and “My feeling is it would need to be in a separate report. And Lens is probably still too new to be in a place where it won’t change significantly.” New is debatable. I think it’s been around a long time, isn’t it?
Scott: Yeah, but I guess it’s still evolving heavily, and the technology behind it is definitely changing even though the interface has been around.
Ross: Anything like that is always gonna change. I can’t imagine it ever stopping changing, I mean there’s so much to it, and it’s cutting edge. I like where they include that out there and make it available to the masses. It really stretches your mind about what can be done with Search, and what you can do with your business. It’s a good example of ensuring that you have branding on your products…I’m gonna get off track here, but anyway, it is very cool and you should try using it a bit on your own products if you have some that you sell online, and see whether or not you show up, and if they don’t, maybe look into why. Why are you not showing up as one of the results for that particular shape that you took a photo of.
Scott: Really wondering for circles.
Ross: Yeah, exactly! Well, that was a lot, and I hope you enjoyed the show. It’s one of those weeks where we’re catching up and you just never know what we’re gonna find but I think that was a lot of value.
On behalf of myself, Ross Dunn, CEO of StepForth Web Marketing, and my company’s senior SEO, Scott Van Achte. Thank you for joining us today.
Remember we have a show notes newsletter, you can sign up for at where you don’t have to miss a single link and refresh your memory of a past show at any time. Have a great week! And remember to tune in to future episodes which are twice a month on
Scott: Great! Thank you for listening, everybody.