by denis | Sep 24, 2009 | Search
This Web Pro News video was taken at the Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose a few weeks ago and drives home some points about how to react to a perceived or actual Google penalty that I think are worth sharing to our audience. You can also see the full...
by denis | Feb 8, 2008 | Tips
Yesterday I had the good fortune to be invited to speak on the Webcology Webmasterradio.FM radio show with Jim Hedger and Dave Davies about my experience with competitor analysis. The show was a part of a 10 part SEO series where experts in their select field of SEO...
by denis | Feb 27, 2004 | Search
As searchers become more sophisticated, the search engines are forced to evolve to keep up with the changing times. During a session at WebmasterWorld’s Publishers Conference VI, Tim Mayer from Yahoo! Search explained how Yahoo! has improved its abstracts, the...
by denis | Jan 9, 2004 | Search
The following is an interview I had with Garrett French, Editor of The article is focused on the nuances of the Inktomi Database. Enjoy! You can find this article at the following WebProNews Forum URL:
by denis | Dec 18, 2003 | Search
It has been exactly one month since Google introduced its infamous Florida Update. As the Florida Update has brought about the largest and most comprehensive shake-up of Google’s listings ever, it has generated a great deal of interest around the world and genuine...