Video – How Google Penalties Can Help Your Site

This Web Pro News video was taken at the Search Engine Strategies Conference in San Jose a few weeks ago and drives home some points about how to react to a perceived or actual Google penalty that I think are worth sharing to our audience. You can also see the full...

Jim Hedger Leaves SiteProNews

At the SiteProNews blog today Jim Hedger announced that his contract as the daily editor for SiteProNews was not renewed for another year. The whole staff at StepForth wishes our friend and former in-house writer all the best as he refocuses his attentions on other...

Ross Dunn’s Interview on WebmasterRadio.FM

For those that missed my interview with Jim Hedger on WebmasterRadio.FM last Thursday here is a direct link to my archived interview. Please note that you will have to fast forward about 20 minutes (about a 1/3 of the way on the Quicktime status bar) to get to my...