by denis | Jun 30, 2009 | Tools
The Internet is a-buzz with the latest offering from Firefox – the best browser available in my opinion – and the upgrades look absolutely tantalizing: It is twice as fast as Firefox 3: an impressive feat! You can save movies as easily as saving an image,...
by denis | Sep 3, 2008 | Search
Google Chrome, Google’s unexpected open source web browser was announced over the Labour Day weekend and launched only a day later – it is now available for download in more than 100 countries. Here are some excerpts from the Google Blog announcement on...
by denis | Mar 11, 2008 | Social
Over the past couple years it has been impossible to avoid the buzz about images and their increasing role in search; such as universal search which is becoming commonplace among the major search engines. But universal search is only the most prevalent news and only...
by denis | Aug 9, 2007 | Social
I was browsing through StepForth’s Google Analytics statistics for The StepForth SEO Blog when I came across the browser share report and discovered something wonderful… Internet Explorer has lost lots of market share! There was a time where I can fairly...
by denis | Apr 27, 2007 | Social
Derek van Vliet, a well-known Digg personality, has created a plug-in for Firefox based on the new Digg API. The new plug-in allows you to automatically see how many Diggs a page has received or to Digg the page. Check out Derek’s blog posting or take the leap...