by denis | May 13, 2008 | Tips
Marketing Sherpa is my favorite site for catching up on the latest case studies on user behavior online; followed by another excellent publication called Alertbox. Marketing Sherpa’s latest article does us all a service by illustrating how important it can be to...
by denis | May 9, 2007 | Social
In a failed attempt to grab a substantial portion of market share from auction leader eBay, Yahoo is closing its auction doors forever. Yahoo Auction will be shut down in order to “better serve our valued customers through other Yahoo properties.”...
by denis | May 9, 2007 | Social
The social marketing and search engine world is buzzing over the potential acquisition of StumbleUpon by leading auction company eBay. The news of interest from eBay filtered into the news on April 18th with other potential suitors being AOL and Google but yesterday...
by denis | Dec 7, 2006 | Search
Now this is a coup that must have PayPal shaking. Google has announced that it will be extending its waiver of fees past the end of 2006 to December 31st, 2007! Unfortunately, however, there are reports that companies with affiliate programs have switched to this...
by denis | Nov 27, 2006 | Tips
John Battelle wrote an excellent article describing his experience with Google Checkout. I highly recommend the read if you are considering using Google Checkout for shopping this holiday season or as a merchant. Here is a snippet: It seems Google is obviating the...