In May 2021 Google will launch the Google Page Experience update and at that time a variety of factors will come into play that may drastically impact your organic rankings. Until recently most SEO’s had assumed that this would be a blanked update affecting most...
For those of you who haven’t heard, on Sept 28, Google unrolled what is being called the Google EMD Update. EMD stands for Exact Match Domain. This update focuses on “low-quality” exact match domains. Matt Cutts tweeted about this as it was happening. For most, this...
Today, Matt Cutts posted a new Google Webmaster Video addressing (finally!) the issues surrounding the many changes in long tail search engine results. Here is the video: To recap, the Mayday update (as most are calling it) was a purposeful and permanent shift in how...
Well it’s official. Google is now incorporating site load speed into its ranking algorithm according to a Webmaster Central Blog post earlier this morning. There has been chatter about this addition being in the works for some time, and if you ask me, its one that...
Just under a couple of hours ago Yahoo! announced a “Weather Report”, which, in Yahoo terms means that their search results are getting revamped (if only slightly). Apparently the update began on Sunday and is expected to be completed by Wednesday morning....