Remove the Alexa Toolbar Now – Feedback From Users

I took a look at some of the user responses to the ZD Net Alexa vs. Statsaholic lawsuit article and here is a taste of their passionate replies. From user: Yorn “When you’re done reading that, please click the following link and uninstall Alexa...

Alexa Bullies Statsaholic and Copies Advances

Amazon’s bullying tactics make my blood pressure rise. Alexa (owned by Amazon) has chosen to file a lawsuit against for “stealing Alexa’s proprietary data by disregarding the rules for Alexa’s Web Services–through which Alexa...

Rivalry between MS and Google Heating Up (again)

It has been an interesting day in the IT world. Opening the month of May a couple of interesting stories involving the rivalry between Google and Microsoft are playing through the news today. The first story demonstrates an Amazon migration from Google based results...