Happy Birthday to Google… Happy Birthday to Google… Happy Birthday Dear SearchEngineWePlacedOurTrustandFaithinandNowRulestheWorrrrrlllld….
Happy Birthday to Google.
Five years ago yesterday, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page completed and filed the incorporation documents for a small, garage-based startup search engine known as Google. According to I.T. industry myth, the incorporation was completed in order to enable Brin and Page to cash a $100,000 cheque from Sun Microsystems founder, Andy Bechtolsheim.
Once established, the company grew rapidly to become the largest, freshest and most used information gathering resource the world has ever seen. At age five, Google is not the oldest or most experienced search tool on the block but it is the world’s current favourite. Their sixth year will be a fairly challenging period for the staff and management at Google as the search engine war reaches a point of critical mass (likely in spring 2004). In the meantime, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our friends at Google. Enjoy the day.
For a simple look at Google’s history, please visit the Google Timeline.