Google, Yahoo and MSN Market Share

Danny Sullivan recently posted the latest search engine market share stats in the SearchEngineWatch Blog . The order of the big three, has without much surprise, remained the same with Google the clear leader followed by Yahoo, then MSN. Google Yahoo MSN Google Since...

Future Evolution of Search

The search engine world never rests. As online marketing professionals discover new ways to obtain top rankings the algorithms evolve right along side. There are two primary reasons behind the updating of ranking algorithms. To increase the quality and relevancy of...

MSN Algorithm Update Nov 3rd 2006 – StepForth Client Update

This is a heads up for my readers and clientele that MSN search applied an update that has significantly affected rankings. The client results we have reviewed so far have all done well by this update but we are continuing to review. So far it appears that MSN is...

Live Search Officially Launched

Microsoft officially launched its “Live” search Last Monday. Live Search,, and Live Local Search were officially released from Beta. Live Search will also be the new power behind MSN Search. has been released in 47 worldwide markets. Throughout its...

Search Engine SPAM Strikes Again

We were recently contacted by a client who had found a number of occurrences of search engine SPAM. What made this SPAM a problem is that they were targeting the clients business name and coming up in some of the top 10 rankings! The pages were littered with the...