Google’s Mayday Update and What to Do About It

Today, Matt Cutts posted a new Google Webmaster Video addressing (finally!) the issues surrounding the many changes in long tail search engine results. Here is the video: To recap, the Mayday update (as most are calling it) was a purposeful and permanent shift in how...

How Google Real-Time Results are Ranked – The First Draft

How does Google determine which real-time results will appear? They have to filter through an unimaginable volume of information and make a decision in mere seconds. This is a billion dollar question that will be on the minds of search marketers around the globe....

How Google Real-Time Results are Ranked – The First Draft

How does Google determine which real-time results will appear? They have to filter through an unimaginable volume of information and make a decision in mere seconds. This is a billion dollar question that will be on the minds of search marketers around the globe....

Google Caffeine Update to be Given in Measured Doses

On Monday Google did something out of character by announcing a pre-release viewing of a major update to their algorithm they nicknamed Caffeine: For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture...