Image Functionality to XML Sitemaps

Yesterday Google announced in the Webmaster Central blog the added expansion for images within XML Sitemaps. By expanding your XML Sitemap to include images in the new format, this will allow Google to easily learn which images you consider important. With image...

Update at Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools has recently seen a few updates. Posted on the Google Webmaster Central blog yesterday, here is a summary of some of the changes. The vast majority of users will not be affected by this, but now you can submit up to 2.5 billion URL’s with a...

Promoting Your New Website

A few weeks ago I wrote about building your website from the ground up. This article did not dive into great detail on any specific topics, but rather touched on the key points you will want to address. In this article I will place most of the focus on the promotion...

Recent Q&A from Google on Google Sitemaps

Susan Moskwa and Trever Voucher from Google’s Webmaster Tools Team published a synopsis of the questions they received at Chicago’s recent Search Engine Strategies Conference. If you have ever had a question about Google Sitemaps and the effect they may or...