by denis | Feb 3, 2006 | Social
Google appears to be experimenting with social tagging and expanded bookmarking; leading some to conclude that if successful, Google might integrate user-input data into future organic algorithms. Last Sunday (January 30), Google released the fourth version of its...
by denis | Nov 18, 2005 | Social
For folks who’ve seen the term Web 2.0 but haven’t yet found a simple and succinct explanation of what it all might mean, Search Engine Journal editor Loren Baker has composed the bestest ‘lil paragraph I’ve seen on the subject. “What is...
by denis | Jan 26, 2005 | Tips
Much has changed since last year in the world of search engine marketing. These changes have widened the knowledge gaps between the SEM sector, our clients and the general public. A knowledge gap separating professional experience and general interest is natural in...