by denis | Aug 29, 2006 | Social
Danny Sullivan, the best known and respected SEO in the world announced today that as of December 1st, 2006 he will leaving the home that he originally created Why is Danny Leaving? The reasons for his departure are eloquently...
by denis | Feb 8, 2006 | Social
I saw a hilarious Geek-joke while reading the forums over at Search Engine Watch. It came from the signature used by SEW member Vayapues and, while it might be as old as the hills, it is the first time I’ve read it. Short, sweet and just punny enough to make me...
by denis | Mar 22, 2005 | Search
Search Engine Watch receives regular statistics on search engine usage from Neilson Net Ratings. Neilson Net Ratings gathers data from over one million Internet users in the United States with Neilson software installed on their home and work computers that records...