by denis | Oct 9, 2003 | Search
MSN dealt a predictable, yet massive blow to the Australian search directory LookSmart yesterday with the announcement that MSN search will not renew an agreement to display results from the LookSmart directory. The current agreement which ends in mid January 2004, is...
by denis | Aug 27, 2003 | Tips
If you have yet to hear of blogging then let me warn you now, you will be hearing a lot about it over the next few months. What is a blog? Here is the answer straight from the pioneers of blogging at “A blog is a web page made up of usually short,...
by denis | Aug 27, 2003 | Search
Size is the latest salvo fired in the search engine wars. Last week, Overture announced that its recent acquisition, AlltheWeb had expanded its database to cover 3,151,743,117 pages and had grown larger than Google’s database by about 68Million pages. Google responded...