Are you seeing Google Analytics data that is all messed up and makes no sense? We are! The issue was reported briefly yesterday at the Google Analytics Blog, and Google is hard at work trying to resolve the issue.
As of yesterday, for the majority of April, zero visits are being reported when this is just not the case.
If you check your Analytics data, don’t panic! Google will (I assume) get this fixed soon.
What is happening?
If I check for statistics for the month of April, viewing “All Traffic” everything looks normal, nothing out of the ordinary…
But next, when I add an advanced segment to show “non-paid search traffic” separately, Google tells me there was zero non-paid traffic up until April 29, then a massive spike with the non-paid surpassing all traffic something that it is simply impossible; (“all traffic” by definition must include “non-paid traffic”).
Interestingly enough, setting the date rage to span anything by April only, seems to deliver completely different results, at least for April 29th. The first 28 days of April appear as zero traffic regardless.
I have checked the Analytics profiles for a number of clients and see this identical issue affecting 100% of them. This is definitely a very odd issue, but I am glad they are working to correct it. Hopefully accurate results are back up to normal soon!