Since the launch of bing a little over a year ago, Microsoft has tried all kinds of things to try and boost their search market share. Well they are out with their latest marketing attempt – switch to bing and Microsoft will donate $3 to schools in need!
As of the time of this writing, bing has donated nearly $45,000, $3 at a time.
By setting bing as your default search provider, you will be given a $3 donation code to use towards a public school classroom project of your choice at
By clicking the orange icon to set your default search provider, bing will then ask for your email to which they will send the donation code. Click the link, find a project, donate the $3 – simple. Even if you don’t fully plan on converting to bing, why not participate and donate a few of Microsoft’s dollars.
Microsoft has put aside $100,000 to this initiative. To take part and check out their donation tracker, visit