says Google is number 4. For a brief period of time last week Google’s market cap slipped from third to fourth position. Apple’s market cap reached $158.84 billion and edged out Google which was at $157.84. Wikipedia defines market capitalization as “…a measurement of corporate or economic size equal to the share price times the number of shares outstanding of a public company. As owning stock represents owning the company, including all its assets, capitalization could represent the public opinion of a company’s net worth and is a determining factor in stock valuation.”

The post states “Google’s share price is much higher, at $505.82 compared with Apple’s $178.97, but Google has only 314 million outstanding shares while Apple has nearly 886 million.” Microsoft is still the leader at $255 billion and IBM follows at $170 billion.

by Bill Stroll, Sales Manager, StepForth Web Marketing Inc.
Celebrating over 10 years of web marketing excellence.