Here are a few articles I came across today that I felt would add some richness to your Friday:
- “Interview with Google’s Sep Kamvar, Lead Software Engineer for Personalization”
Are you curious how Google’s drive toward personalization might affect your privacy or the quality of search results? This short interview might answer some questions you have.
>> thanks for the tip from the blog “Geeking With Greg“ - doMobi: Growth in the .mobi mobile web is undisputed in this post. Skip to the bottom if you just want that facts ma’am.Huge kudos to James Pearce and the gang; I am a big fan of the .mobi concept and frankly the great support and awareness the .mobi squad brings to the mobile revolution.
- Matt Cutts published a blog posting with Whitehat SEO Tips for Bloggers. I haven’t read it all yet but by nature these posts are often interesting.
- “Listen Up (Why your customer’s native tongue matters)“: Marketer Drew McLellan explains that for sales content to be effective you need to make sure your content is written in a fashion similar to how your customers speak.
All the best and I hope you all have a great weekend wherever you are. – Ross Dunn