Many sites are not taking advantage of link popularity they have already earned. How is this possible? When some sites link to yours they do so without using the “www” in the URL. To search engines this can appear to be a link to a separate website since “” versus “” is technically a different domain. The search engines are getting a bit smarter about this but there is no point in waiting for them to catch up. This common situation can be remedied quickly and quite simply.

Start by reading the article I exclusively wrote for WilsonWeb titled “How to Get Credit for All Your Inbound Links: Consolidate WWW and non-WWW Links” which will lead you or your webmaster nicely into the tutorial “How to 301 Redirect Non-WWW to WWW URLs“. The tutorial will explain the implementation for various servers; don’t let the title scare you off.

Is this Fix Really Worth It? Definitely!
As a result of implementing this fix on I noticed our Google ranking for “search engine placement” stabilize dramatically from a fluctuating spot (between #4 and #10) to a stable #4 ranking. Since little other marketing efforts were taking place at StepForth at that time it is reasonable to connect the dots and apply the credit to this change.

Mark my words; it is the little stuff that makes the most dramatic differences – especially when a website has been online for a long time. It is amazing just how many sites linked to us without using the “www” in our domain and by consolidating all of the split link popularity we really felt the love. Read and apply the tutorial and let your site benefit from the hard-earned popularity you already have.

by Ross Dunn, CEO, StepForth SEO Services
Celebrating 10 Years of SEO Excellence