Today James Pearce at .Mobi announced that their mobile website review tool ( has been upgraded to offer a site wide mobile-ready analysis. Previously users could only verify their site’s mobile page compatibility one page at a time so this upgrade is indeed newsworthy.
If you are unfamiliar with the advantages of the mobile web or just why it is worthwhile learning about then I invite you to read the following:
- Stake Your Claim on the Mobile Web
- Have a Peek at Google’s Future of Mobile Search
- ASK Mobile GPS Provides a Glimpse of What is to Come
All-in-all I strongly recommend keeping an eye on the mobile marketplace. The mobile web is still very much in its infancy but as you may know these ‘infant’ technologies have a way of sneaking up on us all. It also helps that I am certain the mobile web is the way of the future; though definitely with a far more pleasant user experience. I liken mobile search now to that of the first color tv’s… clunky, unpredictable, and a limited content base. But just look at TVs now!