We received this email this morning. Still looking into it to see what costs will be…
Dear Priority Submit customer.
This is an important notification in relation to the following services:
1. Inktomi Search Submit
2. AltaVista Express Submit
3. Fast PartnerSite
4. Summary
1. Inktomi Search Submit
Yahoo! Search has transitioned to its own search technology and is preparing to launch a new inclusion program.
As a bonus for Inktomi Search Submit customers only, Yahoo! Search is providing a free trial of Yahoo! traffic that will end on April 15, 2004. When the new inclusion program launches, Search Submit customers will have the option of joining the new program for ongoing participation in Yahoo! Search results.
Please note that inclusion into Yahoo, applies for existing Inktomi Search Submit customers and is for a limited time only. We will shortly provide details how you can participate in Yahoo! Search results after the 15th April.
Existing Inktomi Search Submit customers will continue to receive distribution from the rest of the “Inktomi” network for full 12 months of service as ordered. Again after the 15th Yahoo! Search traffic will not be included in this.
2. AltaVista Express Submit
AltaVista paid inclusion customers will not receive distribution in Yahoo! Search results. You will however continue to receive traffic from AltaVista for the full duration of your listing period.
When the new inclusion program launches, AltaVista Express Submit customers will have the opportunity to participate and gain traffic from Yahoo! and other major portals.
3. Fast PartnerSite
FAST paid inclusion customers will not receive distribution in Yahoo! Search results. You will however continue to receive traffic from portals that had been previously served FAST results for the full duration of your listing period.
When the new inclusion program launches, FAST customers will have the opportunity to participate and gain traffic from Yahoo! and other major portals.
4. Summary
Both AltaVista and Fast paid inclusion programs will shortly be removed from our range of offerings… those with last minute submissions to be made, please do these as soon as you can before they are removed.
Thank you and all the best.
Kind Regards
Trellian Priority Submit Team
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