How to Optimize for Google – Part 2 of 3

Optimizing for top Google rankings includes a number of factors. In Part 1 of 3 we discussed onsite optimization. In Part 2 we will touch on incoming links as well as using Google Webmaster Tools. LINKS Links are very important in today’s Google rankings, but just how...

Want PageRank? New Link Building Service Launched

The Fantomaster blogged about a rather interesting new service called that has launched despite the war Google formally started on paid links. The service uniquely provides users with the ability to buy one way text links for a one time fee (guaranteed...

Matt Cutts Confirms Reason for PageRank Drop

Loren Baker over at announced that Matt Cutts had confirmed the PageRank update that happened last week was ‘primarily’ a response to link selling. No additional information was provided except that Google would be continuing to...

Google Cracks Down on Link Buying

This week the Official Google Webmaster Central Blog announced an addition to Google’s spam reporting form for people to report sites that appear to be buying paid links in order to influence search engine rankings. This addition ties in with Matt Cutt’s...

Google and the “www” Issue

It would appear as if both www and non-www versions of websites are no longer being treated by Google as separate pages, at least where Page Rank is concerned. We know that the visible PR in the tool bars is only a loose indication of a site’s actual PR, but it can...