Recommended Reading this Friday

Here are a few articles I came across today that I felt would add some richness to your Friday: “Interview with Google’s Sep Kamvar, Lead Software Engineer for Personalization” Are you curious how Google’s drive toward personalization might...

Press Release: DMA Accepts StepForth Whitepaper

StepForth is proud to announce that after careful review The Direct Marketing Association, a recognized and respected resource for marketers, has accepted StepForth’s white paper titled “Do it Yourself Social Media Marketing” into its approved...

Yahoo Search Assist Aids Visibility

Yesterday Danny Sullivan posted an interesting walkthrough on a new technology that Yahoo is currently testing called Yahoo Search Assist. Throughout the following I will give a quick rundown and explain why Search Assist may help sites found in the bottom 5 of the...

How to Ethically Update Wikipedia

An article was published today on Search Engine Land called “SEO Tips & Tactics From a Wikipedia Insider” and it has to be one of the most interesting and best written articles I have seen in a while. The article was written by a lady by the name of...

An Uncensored Peak into Google

On June 24th an anonymous blogger posted an interview he did with an ex Google employee called “Life at Google – The Microsoftie Perspective”. Due to the required anonymity of the interview (Google is probably not happy about it) it cannot be...