This week’s SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM featured Search Engine Journal owner Loren Baker as our guest to discuss the ins-and-outs of Link Building.
Above is a recording of the show courtesy of WebmasterRadio.FM and these are just a few tease takeaways from this excellent episode:

  • Loren Baker: Links should be built “with the mindset these links are going to bring in targeted traffic” not getting a top ranking.
  • Question: Say a person has a blog and they want to build links but they don’t have a lot of time. How would they do that?
    Loren Baker: Search for authority blog directories like Best of the Web and Bloggeries, and get your blog added to the category most relevant to your service.
  • Question: If a person doesn’t have a blog where should they go to find links for their website?
    Loren Baker: Best of the Web and the Yahoo Directory are great starting points because they give a little juice AND they provide relevance. Also don’t forget the Open Directory Project at Look for targeted directories for your vertical. You don’t have to have a blog to get a listing that applies great relevance to your site and can potentially offer traffic. You can often find directories by searching in Google or Yahoo for the phrase “submit url” or “add URL”.
  • Question: With so many directories out there how can they all really help and how can you figure out which ones are worth paying for?
    Loren Baker: There are 100’s of thousands of directories but probably only .005% have enough value to warrant a link. So find the directories that have the most appeal by looking at their backlinks. Also check the quality of the sites listed in your target category and see if they are of a high enough quality. If they seem spammy forget the directory because it is highly unlikely to pass on any worthwhile relevance.

Here is an example of the other link building-related topics Loren Baker tackled over the rest of this extended show:

  • If not directories, where else can people get links?
  • What problems do people run into getting links?
  • Learn about Loren’s famous “trickle-down link-o-nomics”
  • How to manage the workload of link building.
  • And much more.

A big thanks to Loren Baker of Search Engine Journal for being on the show. And a further congrats to Eric Lander of who did a wonderful job on his first episode of SEO 101; Eric is the new co-host on SEO 101 and is sure to add a great deal of value into the future.

Next week we plan on featuring keyword-guru Dan Thies to discuss the process of finding the best keywords to target online.